Melody's Story

Melody's Story


How old are you?

I’m 12 years old.

How long have you been a Club member?

I have been a member for 3 years.

What do you enjoy most about coming to Boys & Girls Club of Norman?

I get to see my friends that go to different schools. I also love playing games and learning how to do hard magic tricks!

What do you think the Club has taught you?

Being in Boys & Girls Club has taught me to be more outgoing and make new friends. I am definitely not as shy as I used to be!

ydoleMfMelody joined Boys & Girls Club of Norman 3 years ago and love attending after school.klsfklskllkeeMeMloeM

Melody was named the 2018 Teen Youth of the Year for Boys & Girls Club of Norman. She was honored on stage at the 14th annual Hands & Hearts fundraising luncheon.