Divorce and Co-Parenting Services

Our divorce and co-parenting services work to reduce childhood stress and strengthen parent-child relationships during high conflict divorce, separation, paternity and guardianship issues through parent education classes, mediation, and supervised visits and/or exchanges. All services are available for parents in separation situations, including parents who were never married, those in the process of getting a divorce, those who have been divorced for years, and families with child guardianship. Services are offered to families that are court-ordered, DHS recommended, but families may also attend on a voluntary basis.

Divorce and Co-Parenting Class

The 4-hour Divorce and Co-Parenting (DCS) class is designed to help divorcing and separating couples focus on what is in the best interest of the children and how to work more cooperatively and effectively with each other. Cleveland County requires the completion of this course for all divorcing couples with minor children. A certificate of completion will be emailed to each participant within three business days of the completed class.

All Divorce and Co-Parenting classes will be held virtually via Zoom. Upon completing online enrollment, you will receive a confirmation email that includes the class Zoom link. If you do not receive this link, be sure to check your junk mail folder. For further assistance, please contact the front office at 405-364-1420 or email DCSassistant@ccfinorman.org.

*NOTE: this class is intended for parents/guardians going through a divorce with minor children. If you are needing a class for high conflict custody situation, please scroll further down for our Children in the Middle class.

Class Schedule

All classes are held virtually via Zoom from 1:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. on the following dates:

  • Saturday, April 5th

  • Sunday, April 6th

  • Saturday, May 3rd

  • Sunday, May 4th

  • Saturday, June 7th

  • Sunday, June 8th

  • Saturday, July 12th

  • Sunday, July 13th

  • Saturday, August 2nd

  • Sunday, August 3rd

  • Saturday, September 6th

  • Sunday, September 7th

  • Saturday, October 4th

  • Sunday, October 5th

  • Saturday, November 1st

  • Sunday, November 2nd

  • Saturday, December 6th

  • Sunday, December 7th

Participation Guidelines

Please review the following Zoom participant ground rules prior to enrolling:

  • Please be familiar with devices and internet connection before class begins - this will prevent any delays to the class

  • Set your participant name to the name used for enrollment.

    • If you do not wish to share your full name on zoom, please send the name used for enrollment to instructor privately.

  • You must be fully dressed and have your video on at all times

  • Please sit up as if you were in an in-person class

  • Don’t perform other activities while in class (driving your car, walking around outside, exercising, stocking shelves, watching TV, etc.)

  • No smoking/drinking alcohol is allowed

  • If you are in a public place, please wear headphones for participant privacy

  • Please be respectful of each other and the instructor

  • Please join the class a few minutes prior to the start time

  • Breaks will be given throughout the class

If you are not able to follow the rules, the instructor has the right to ask you to leave the class.

*If any accommodations are needed, please contact us at least 2 weeks prior to services.

How to Enroll

Enrollment in DCS classes is based on a first come, first paid basis and is processed through CCFI. Enrollment may occur online, in-person or via email or fax. To enroll in the virtual class, please call 405-364-1420.

  • Enrollment is $50 per person

  • Accepted payment methods include: MasterCard, Visa, Discover, American Express or exact cash/money order

  • Enrollment form and fee must be received no later than 5:00 p.m. the Thursday before your scheduled class

You may also submit a completed enrollment packet via email to DCSassistant@ccfinorman.org or by fax to 405-364-1433.

Certificate of Completion

Within three business days of the completed class, a certificate of completion will be emailed to each participant. You are responsible for keeping your original certificate and presenting it to the court.

Rescheduling and Refunds

If for any reason you need to reschedule your class, please contact us at 405-364-1420. If your scheduled class has already passed, there will be a $10 rescheduling fee. Refunds are available up to 6 months after original payment. Refund checks are distributed by mail or via pick up and can take up to 2 weeks to process.

Children in the Middle (CIM) Class

The 8-week Children in the Middle (CIM) class series provides valuable skills for parents who are in high-conflict situations due to divorce, separation, or ongoing child custody issues and is designed to help parents communicate with each other and establish a functional family environment for their children. Each session is 1.5 hours, once a week.

CIM is offered free of charge and is required for families in our mediation, supervised visit and/or exchange services. This class may be court ordered, DHS recommended, child support enforcement referral or taken voluntarily. Pre-registration is required and all opposing parties must take separate classes. If your class is full or the other party has previously enrolled, you will be contacted to reschedule.

All in-person classes will be held at CCFI (210 S. Cockrel Ave., Norman, OK 73071). Virtual classes are only available for individuals who live 30 miles or more from agency location. If you need other accommodations please contact us at 405-364-1420.

Class Topics:

Week 1: Introductions: Child’s Best Interest
Week 2: Divorced Parenting Styles
Week 3: Communication Skills
Week 4: Court vs. Mediation
Week 5: The Loyalty Bind
Week 6: Badmouthing and Alienation
Week 7: Child Support and Visitation
Week 8: Child Behavior and Play Therapy


Monday Class Schedule

All Monday classes will be held in-person at CCFI (210 S. Cockrel Ave., Norman, OK 73071)

5:30 - 7:00 p.m.


March 31st — May 19th

June 2nd — July 21st

July 28th — September 22nd

September 29th — November 24th


Wednesday Class Schedule

All Wednesday classes will be held in-person at CCFI (210 S. Cockrel Ave., Norman, OK 73071)

12:00 - 1:30 p.m.


April 30th — June 18th

June 25th — August 13th

August 20th — October 8th

October 15th — December 3rd


Thursday Class Schedule

*All Thursday classes are held virtually via Zoom. This class is only available for individuals who live 30 miles or more from agency location.

Due to the high demand of the zoom option, these classes and waitlist fill up quickly. Clients who enroll for zoom and do not show up to class, without making it known in advance, will be prohibited from re-enrolling in the zoom option. If this occurs, you will need to sign up for the in-person classes held on Monday evening or Wednesday afternoon.

5:30 – 7:00 p.m.


July 3rd — August 21st

August 28th — October 16th

October 23rd — December 18th

Zoom Class Participation Guidelines

Please review the following Zoom participant ground rules prior to calling for enrollment:

  • Set your participants name to the name used for enrollment

  • You must be fully dressed and have your video on at all times

  • Please sit up as if you were in an in-person class

  • Don’t perform other activities while in class (driving your car, walking around outside, exercising, stocking shelves, watching TV, etc.)

  • No smoking/drinking alcohol is allowed

  • If you are in a public place, please wear headphones for participant privacy

  • Please be respectful of each other and the instructor

  • Please join the class a few minutes prior to the start time

If you are not able to follow the rules, the instructor has the right to ask you to leave the class.

*If any accommodations are needed, please contact us at least 2 weeks prior to services.


How to Enroll

To enroll in Children in the Middle, please fill out the following information. Once you have submitted the form below, you will be contacted via email by CCFI staff within 2 business days. That email will include a link and further information about enrollment. The link will expire within 7 days, please complete enrollment within that period. If you have further questions, please call 405-364-1420.

Supervised Visits and Exchanges

Supervised visit and exchange services provide both children and parents with a safe, conflict-free environment to establish and build positive parent-child interactions and to promote healthy family functioning. Many children do not have the opportunity to have healthy and consistent relationships with their parent(s) due to long-time lapses in contact, parental issues and/or safety issues.  With professional support at a neutral location, a child’s trauma is reduced and parents are less apt to engage in destructive or harmful behaviors in front of their children.

Supervised exchanges reduce contact between parents and allow a child’s transition between homes to be in a conflict-free atmosphere.  Our goal is to make a third party facilitator of exchanges unnecessary by supporting the entire family.  

NOTE: Supervised visits and exchanges are only available if both parties have taken the Children in the Middle (CIM) class and are court ordered to CCFI.  


In mediation, a neutral professional assists family members in discussing and resolving family and parenting issues. Parents use the communication and parenting skills they will have learned in taking the “Children in the Middle” class in order to develop unique parenting plans that meet the needs of their children. The “Children in the Middle” program must be complete in order to be eligible. Services are based on a sliding scale fee.

NOTE: This service is only available if you are participating in or have completed CIM.


To learn more about Divorce and Co-parenting Services, please contact Oyinda Smith.

Oyinda Smith
Parent Educator

Se habla español

Our Promise to Protect Children 

CCFI provides a safe environment for children and youth to heal and grow. Our agency works to protect those we serve from abuse and maltreatment by carefully screening staff and volunteers, providing training on topics such as physical, emotional and sexual abuse awareness and prevention, and by continually monitoring adult-child relationships.