Parenting Classes

CCFI offers a variety of parenting classes through our Strengthening Families and Counseling programs. Our parent educators and therapists help support healthy parent-child relationships and family functioning throughout Cleveland County and surrounding communities.


Divorce and Co-Parenting

The 4-hour Divorce and Co-Parenting (DCS) class is designed to help divorcing and separating couples focus on what is in the best interest of the children and how to work more cooperatively and effectively with each other.  DCS is offered on Zoom, once a month, and has a $50 enrollment fee. Cleveland County requires the completion of this course for all divorcing couples with minor children.

Children in the Middle

The 8-week Children in the Middle (CIM) series provides valuable skills for parents who are in high-conflict situations due to divorce, separation, or ongoing child custody issues and is designed to help parents communicate with each other and establish a functional family environment for their children. In-person CIM classes are offered FREE of charge and may be court ordered, DHS recommended, child support enforcement referral or taken voluntarily. 

Parents Assistance

The Parents Assistance (PA) program helps parents create and sustain healthy, safe, and nurturing relationships with their children, and serves families who are struggling with difficult family dynamics. Parents Assistance group services are offered on Zoom and are FREE of charge. To participate in Parents Assistance services, parents must be referred to our agency by DHS and have an active case.

Nurturing Parenting

The 10-week Nurturing Parenting class focuses on helping parents learn practical skills in responding to and nurturing their children. The class topics are designed to help caregivers understand their child’s development and support them in becoming happier, healthier, and more emotionally stable. Nurturing Parenting classes are offered on Zoom, FREE of charge, and are open to the general public. Anyone in a parenting/caregiving role will benefit from this class.

Class Topics

Week 1: The Philosophy of Nurturing Parenting
Week 2: Ages and Stages
Week 3: Brain Development
Week 4: Communicating with Respect
Week 5: Self Worth
Week 6: Understanding Feelings
Week 7: Family Values, Morals, and Rules
Week 8: Praising Children and their Behavior
Week 9: Discipline
Week 10: Dealing with Stress

Class Schedule

**Nurturing Parenting classes will be held virtually via Zoom. The next classes are scheduled from Wednesday, February 12th through Wednesday, April 16th.

Participation Guidelines

Please review the following Zoom participant ground rules prior to enrolling:

  • Please be familiar with devices and internet connection before class begins - this will prevent any delays to the class

  • Set your participant name to the name used for enrollment.

    • If you do not wish to share your full name on zoom, please send the name used for enrollment to instructor privately.

  • You must be fully dressed and have your video on at all times

  • Please sit up as if you were in an in-person class

  • Don’t perform other activities while in class (driving your car, walking around outside, exercising, stocking shelves, watching TV, etc.)

  • No smoking/drinking alcohol is allowed

  • If you are in a public place, please wear headphones for participant privacy

  • Please be respectful of each other and the instructor

  • Please join the class a few minutes prior to the start time

  • Breaks will be given throughout the class

If you are not able to follow the rules, the instructor has the right to ask you to leave the class.

*If any accommodations are needed, please contact us at least 2 weeks prior to services.

How to Enroll

To enroll in Nurturing Parenting, please fill out the following information. Once you have submitted the form below, you will be contacted via email by CCFI staff within 2 business days. That email will include a link and further information about enrollment. The link will expire within 7 days, please complete enrollment within that period. If you have any further questions, please call us at 405-364-1420.

Circle of Security Parenting Group

Circle of Security Parenting is an 8-week, evidence-based parenting group that’s focused on concepts such as building and repairing secure attachment, learning occurs within a secure relationship base, and that caregivers want what is best for their child. This group allows parents with children of all ages to learn more about the attachment process and how to be “bigger, stronger, kinder, wiser” within the parent child relationship. 

Caregivers often join a Circle of Security Parenting group wanting help with their child’s behavior, and leave with the tools necessary to build secure attachments, and the ability to reflect on their own reactions and relationships, which can result in improved understanding of their child’s development and behavior overall. Circle of Security Parenting is offered *FREE of charge and is open to the general public. Anyone in a parenting/caregiving role will benefit from this class.

*Insurance may be billed for services.

How to Enroll

To enroll in a Circle of Security Parenting group, please fill out the following information. Once you have submitted the form below, you will be contacted via email by CCFI staff within 2 business days. If you have further questions, please call 405-364-1420.

Circle of Security Parenting groups will be built around caregiver availability, and we will do our best to group caregivers with similar aged children. Groups may either be held on Zoom or in-person. Childcare may be available for in-person groups, depending on need.