Bringing Up Babies 

The first few years of a baby's life forms the foundation for that child's long-term health and capacity to learn.  Positive early childhood development and learning experiences are vital and CCFI believes that a child's parents are his or her most important teacher.

Bringing Up Babies is a free, voluntary program offered to pregnant and parenting individuals, including teen parents, to create healthy and stimulating home environments for their children. We offer personalized visits in the comfort of the family home (or at another preferred location) to offer guidance around parent/child interaction, development-centered parenting and overall family well-being.

Bringing Up Babies provides parent education and support by focusing on:

  • Positive parent/child interactions

  • Building a bond with your baby

  • Child development and screenings

  • Pregnancy and childbirth readiness

  • Early childhood literacy and learning

  • Feeding options and breastfeeding support

  • Safe sleep

  • Connections with additional services and resources

In addition to education and support, Parent Educators also provide fun, interactive activities, age-appropriate books and free diapers and/or Pull Ups at every visit.

Who Can Enroll?

Personalized visits are offered free of charge to pregnant and parenting individuals living in and around Cleveland and Pottawatomie counties. Children must be under the age of 5 and multiple children may be enrolled.

How to Enroll

To learn more about enrollment, fill out the contact form below or contact our Bringing Up Babies team by calling 405-364-1420.

Se habla español.

Our Promise to Protect Children 

CCFI provides a safe environment for children and youth to heal and grow. Our agency works to protect those we serve from abuse and maltreatment by carefully screening staff and volunteers, providing training on topics such as physical, emotional and sexual abuse awareness and prevention, and by continually monitoring adult-child relationships.

Impact of Services

Bringing Up Babies programming gives individuals like Elise the necessary tools to improve their parenting journey, all while offering support and resources for a happy, healthy future. To learn more about Elise, watch the video below.

Video production by Lane Avenue Studios.


Bringing Up Babies is a Parents as Teachers and Department of Human Services affiliate.