Jenny's Story

Jenny's Story


When did you first get involved with CCFI?  

I was first introduced to CCFI a few years ago when Brandon Brooks became the CEO. I started to volunteer on a regular basis as the Kids Cafe Manager in August of 2018.

Why were you moved to join CCFI as a volunteer?

I’ve always loved to volunteer, especially with children. I specifically chose Boys & Girls Club because I wanted to help children who were in need, and I felt like my presence was needed. We’ve all had trauma at some point, some worse than others, and I really wanted to make a difference in these kids’ lives.

What do you enjoy most about volunteering?

I love interacting with the Club members each and every day and serving them food. I love the fact that they want to hang out where I serve and just talk to me. A lot of them open up and tell me a lot about their lives… which is pretty amazing! All in all, it is incredibly satisfying to volunteer in the Club everyday. I want to make a difference in their lives, and in turn, they make a difference in mine.

What would you like to say to encourage others to volunteer at CCFI?

You should support CCFI because I believe we all want our community to be better and more cohesive place, and that starts with the kids at Boys & Girls Club of Norman. I encourage you to stop by and see what you can do to make a difference. I promise you, if you give your heart, it will be full!