Christine's Story

Christine's Story


Why were you moved to join CCFI as an employee?

The mission of CCFI is one that spoke to my heart.  I believe that we all have in innate desire to be connected to others around us.  For me, to be a part of healing children, families and adults from an entire systems perspective (as opposed to only looking at the individual) was exciting and allowed me to connect with others that needed help in a way that goes beyond the superficial.  I also truly believe in the mission statement that every child deserves to grow up safe, nurtured and loved.    


What did you enjoy most about your work?

I enjoyed feeling like I was part of something bigger than myself and that I could contribute to the world around me in a meaningful way.  There were always opportunities for me to see the healing power of community at work; whether it be via a phone call, holiday gift giving, teaching classes to parents in conflict, etc.   

What do you feel is the biggest impact CCFI has made on the community?

CCFI does an excellent job of engaging the community around them in various sectors other than the social services field.  It appears that their span of influence extends deep into the community via their well-rounded board of directors and employee connections.  CCFI also does a great job of holding true to their mission statement and ensuring that their clients are treated fairly and with respect.   

What would you like to say to encourage others to get involved with CCFI, whether by donating or volunteering?

Becoming involved in a cause that speaks to you does not have to be extremely time-consuming or difficult financially.  There are many ways that you can be involved with the mission of CCFI that range from small to large: donating a small package of diapers, adopting a child for holiday gift-giving, donating time to attend a Hands & Hearts fundraiser, posting on social media or even word of mouth. If giving back to others speaks to you, consider CCFI.  As a previous employee I can vouch for the fact that the agency handles all donations (monetary, time or otherwise) in an ethical and moral way.