Carol's Story

Carol's Story


When did you first get involved with CCFI?

Our family became involved with CCFI in 2007.

What service(s) did you and your family utilize?

I believe our situation was unique in that we needed support and services to help our family adjust from a very long and traumatic hospital stay. This need was in addition to navigating our new normal as a family with adopted siblings.

What was most helpful about using CCFI services for you and your family?

One of the most valuable services CCFI provided was in home services.  CCFI made it possible to receive services while incorporating therapy and support in our true home environment.  The therapists and counselors had genuine care and concern not only for our children, but our family as a whole.  Every aspect and challenge was carefully considered and thoughtfully cared for.

Did coming to CCFI change anything about your life?

Absolutely!  Before CCFI I was completely lost and scared as a new mom.  Trauma consumed our family. Our situation was as challenging as it was fragile.  The encouragement, tools and support CCFI gave me are to this day invaluable.  So much of our family’s foundation can be attributed to the services and support CCFI provided.

What comes to mind when you think of CCFI?

Hope.  My despair was overcome with hope.  The assurance of their support gave me just what I needed to feel and know that I was not alone.  

What do you feel is the biggest impact CCFI has made on the community?

CCFI provides a safe and nurturing physical address equipped with compassionate professionals ready to fulfill the needs and dreams of children and families.  Our community is extremely fortunate to have an organization equipped with resources that positively impact those in need in and outside of the home.

What would you like to say to encourage others to get involved with CCFI, whether by donating or volunteering?

Efforts in either capacity, big or small, will make a forever impact for those in need.  “To give is to receive” is absolutely true in any act to support CCFI.  Making the world a better place starts with understanding the needs of our neighbors and doing what we can to serve to empower.  CCFI accomplishes just that and so much more.