Katy's Story

Katy's Story


When did you first get involved with CCFI? 

I first got involved with CCFI in 2008, as a guest at the Hands & Hearts luncheon, and soon after, as a board member.


Why were you moved to join CCFI as a Board Member?  

Dr. Donna Jackson introduced me to CCFI, and she described how much she enjoyed being an "ambassador" for the organization in her capacity as a board member. I loved that description of the role, and it was an idea I embraced. I loved sharing the good work of CCFI to my community.


What did you enjoy most about your service on the board?

I have enjoyed connecting with so many others in our community of diverse backgrounds and experiences, yet we all share a passion for supporting children and families. It was thrilling to be a board member during the Capital Campaign! Enthusiasm generated throughout the community. For example, in a break from tradition, Norman High and Norman North joined their Tigerpalooza and SPUD philanthropies during the campaign year to support the effort. This type of collaboration was emblematic of the entire community uniting for the betterment of all.

What do you feel is the biggest impact CCFI has made on the community?   

CCFI has clearly made itself known as committed to supporting expectant and new moms, babies, children, teenagers and families working to heal. The spectrum of care is indicative of the strength of impact.

What would you like to say to encourage others to get involved with CCFI, whether by donating or volunteering?

 Every gift of time and resource matters. CCFI is about care and about relationships.  I have seen children host lemonade stands and diaper drives; I have been to in-home pizza and dessert parties where hosts educate friends about CCFI; I have watched church members gather to help during construction; I have witnessed individuals and couples offer their advocacy to support this organization. There is a place for anyone, of any age, to join the vision and mission of CCFI.